MeL Databases
These databases are available to all Michigan residents. They may also be accessed with a Michigan Driver's License number from the Michigan e-Library. 
Accessible from Home or in the Library
- Britanicca School--Nonfiction content geared for K-12 students. Includes over 132,000 encyclopedia articles, 103,000 images, 7,500 multimedia elements, more than 27,000 eBooks, and novels and essays. Tools include translation for 50+ languages and read-aloud functionality. Includes Lexile ranges and alignment with Michigan Department of Education Academic Standards across a variety of subjects.
- Britannica School, Learning Zone--Pre K - 2nd grade. Activity-centered learning to explore, play, read, and build technology skills.Letters, numbers, geography, shapes and much more are included.
- Britannica School Elementary--Grades 3-4. Find information on countries, animals, and people. Watch and learn with videos, games, and activities.
- Britannica School Middle--Grades 5-7. Find maps, photos, articles, and famous people and places. Compare countries and tour the U.S.A. For homework help and your curiosity.
- Britannica School High--Quick facts and in-depth information on history, geography, people, places, science, and more. Biographies, world atlas, countries comparison, articles, and interactive resources are available.
- Early World of Learning--Grades Pre K - 3. Follow Trek and Taffy the cat around the world. Share their love of colors, numbers, and other fun things. Come inside for stories and pictures.
- eBook K-8 Collection--Titles that support K-8 students across all subject areas. Also features a selection of teacher resources to support educators and administrators including Common Core alignment. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer or download titles to most popular portable devices.
- eBook High School Collection--For high school students and educators. There is a selection of teacher resources and titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer or download titles to most popular portable devices.
- Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos--Designed for young Spanish speaking students or those learning Spanish as a second language. Full text articles, maps, flags, and more. Dozens of hands-on activities and links to Spanish language websites. Also includes a visual dictionary.
- Explora for Primary Schools--For elementary school libraries. Content from children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedia entries, and images. Students can learn about animals, musicians, fitness, space exploration, and much more. Pulls content from Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Newspaper Source Plus, and the eBook K-8 Collection.
- Explora for Middle Schools--Magazines and reference books for middle school students. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Subjects include history, current events, science, sports, and biographies. Also includes photos, maps, and flags. Pulls content from Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Newspaper Source Plus, and the eBook K-8 Collection.
- Explora for High Schools--Provides hundreds of popular magazines and reference books for high school libraries. Covers subjects such as art, history, sports, and music. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Also includes photos, maps, and flags. Pulls content from MAS Complete, Consumer Health Complete, Newspaper Source Plus, eBook High School collection, Applied Science & Technology Source, and Vocational Studies Premier.
- Learning Express Library--Includes practice tests for the ACT, SAT, and PSAT
as well as practice skills in various subjects. Career and college preparation materials are also included.
- MAS Complete--Designed for high school libraries and offers coverage of popular high school magazines and reference books. Wide range of subjects offered including art, history, sports and music. Over 1,000,000 photos, maps and flags.
- Middle Search Plus--Magazines and reference books for middle school students. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Subjects include history, current events, science, sports, and biographies. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
- NoveList K8 Plus--Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, books made into movies, and much more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list. Includes tools for teachers such as Lexile levels and Common Core standards.
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context--Provides different views about issues that help students develop critical thinking skills. This resource brings balance and perspective to contemporary issues using arguments from experts.
- Poetry & Short Story Reference Center--
Hundreds of thousands of poems, as well as short stories, biographies, and essays. Topics include the poetic forms, movements, and techniques.
- Primary Search--For elementary school libraries. Content from children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedia entries, and images. Students can learn about animals, musicians, fitness, space exploration, and much more.
- Read It!--For middle and high school students and adults. Helps to build reading skills and improve study habits. Includes tests.
- World Book Kids--Grades Pre K - 5. Easy-to-read content for elementary school learners. Hundreds of activities, science projects and experiments.
Other On-line Databases Available at the Owosso & Durand Memorial Branches
- Credo Reference--Wide variety of information from encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, quotations, and bilingual dictionaries. Also includes measurement conversions, art work, other illustrations, and more. (Remote access available through the library's catalog)
- Grolier's On-line Encyclopedia-- (New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Multimedia, & Encyclopedia Americana). (Remote access available through the library's catalog).
- LitFinder--Online poetry & short story reference center including the full text of 70,000 poems.